Herbalism in France
๐ WYLDE is a collection of episodes in English, where I - Lieve Galle, a Belgian herbalist and wild plant forager since 2002 - talk with fellow herbalists and foragers in Europe.
Christophe Bernard is a renowned French herbalist, the founder of Althea Provence online herborist school, and an advocate for the legalisation and recognition of herbalism in France.
He has decades of experience in herbal medicine, and a deep passion for foraging and natural healing.
Enjoy our very inspiring and a little bit rebellious conversation.
About his move from computer programming to herbalism.
About the historical role of the herbalist in French pharmacies and the war between pharmacists and herbalists.
About naturopaths paving the way for medical herbalists.
About the need to be a rebel as a herbalist in France and Belgium.
About preserving the rich herbal traditions for future generations and Christophe's advice for young people starting out as a medical herbalist.
About how we see the future or herbalism in Europe.
And lots more.
You can find more information about Christophe and Althea Provence here: https://www.altheaprovence.com/
(both in French)
๐ผ Muziek door Eva LaRuna
De informatie in de Wilde Weven podcast is met uiterste zorg samengesteld. We trachten deze zo actueel, volledig en nauwkeurig mogelijk te houden, toch kunnen aan deze podcastaflevering geen rechten ontleend worden. We aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor: directe of indirecte schade ten gevolge van mogelijke fouten en tekortkomingen, de inhoud van websites waar dmv een link naar wordt verwezen, of de opinie van geรฏnterviewde gasten.
De inhoud van deze podcast vervangt in geen enkel geval persoonlijk medisch advies of behandeling door artsen en andere medische professionals.