Herb women in Bulgaria
๐ WYLDE is a collection of episodes in English, where I - Lieve Galle, a Belgian herbalist and wild plant forager since 2002 - talk with fellow herbalists and foragers in Europe.
Lora Moiree is a practitioner of green magic and occult botany, she's Bulgarian and was always drawn to plants and felt guided by nature spirits all her life.
Annelies Buggenhout is a permaculture teacher and a forager, she's Belgian and her history with plants and herbs is more recent, it all started when she moved to Bulgaria about 10 years ago.
Two different stories, but what they have in common is they love nature, just like you and me.
Enjoy our talk in this podcast episode!
About how Annelies experienced an eco-awakening while living in the forest for the first few months after arriving in Bulgaria.
About how Lora received all her knowledge of plants and herbs from nature spirits.
About the different perceptions Lora and Annelies have, one being native Bulgarian and the other being a Belgian immigrant.
About how civilisation has taken away the magic of nature.
About typical Bulgarian herbal traditions and how their Pagan roots are strongly preserved.
About the relationship between humans and nature spirits and how plants changed the relationship both women have with themselves.
About the freedom to forage in Bulgaria without any legal framework.
And lots more.
You can find more information about Annelies here: https://www.monadmindfoundation.org/
Or follow her on Instagram @monad_mind
You can follow Lora on Instagram @moiree.flower.magick and Facebook.
๐ผ Muziek door Eva LaRuna
De informatie in de Wilde Weven podcast is met uiterste zorg samengesteld. We trachten deze zo actueel, volledig en nauwkeurig mogelijk te houden, toch kunnen aan deze podcastaflevering geen rechten ontleend worden. We aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor: directe of indirecte schade ten gevolge van mogelijke fouten en tekortkomingen, de inhoud van websites waar dmv een link naar wordt verwezen, of de opinie van geรฏnterviewde gasten.
De inhoud van deze podcast vervangt in geen enkel geval persoonlijk medisch advies of behandeling door artsen en andere medische professionals.