Western Master Plants with Anki Paulssen

๐Ÿ€ WYLDE is a collection of episodes in English, where I - Lieve Galle, a Belgian herbalist and wild plant forager since 2002 - talk with fellow herbalists and foragers in Europe. 

Anki Paulssen is the founder of Plant Spirit Guru. She has over 25 years of experience working with Western Master Plants, which offers profound insights and initiate a  personal transformation that leads to emotional healing, spiritual growth, and self-discovery.

Her journey with the plants started when she was a child, growing up in the apartment above her grandparents' bakery, with a small garden in the back which had only one tree. She could see that tree from her bedroom window and started having conversations with it.

And that eventually brought us here, having an amazing conversation.

About moving from the Netherlands to Australia and feeling an immediate connection to the land and the plants.
About her travels to Peru and discovering ayahuasca, plant dietas and plantsongs.
About what a plant dieta is and Anki's first experience with it.
About talking from spirit to spirit with a plant and how it helps you getting back into your body.
About the timeless wisdom of plants, singing over them, and asking permission to use them.
About regional and cultural differences when it comes to basic plant knowledge and the use of medicinal plants and herbs.
About the future relationship between plants and people.

And lots more.

You can find more information about Anki and her work on the website:
https://plantspirit.guru/ (in English) or https://plantspiritguru.nl/ (in Dutch)

Or follow her on Instagram @plantspiritguru.

๐Ÿ“š Anki talks about the book "Plant Spirit Medicine", that was written by Eliot Cowen, not Pam Montgomery as mentioned. The book that Pam wrote is "Plant Spirit Healing". Both are must reads! 


๐ŸŽผ Muziek door Eva LaRuna


De informatie in de Wilde Weven podcast is met uiterste zorg samengesteld. We trachten deze zo actueel, volledig en nauwkeurig mogelijk te houden, toch kunnen aan deze podcastaflevering geen rechten ontleend worden. We aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor: directe of indirecte schade ten gevolge van mogelijke fouten en tekortkomingen, de inhoud van websites waar dmv een link naar wordt verwezen, of de opinie van geรฏnterviewde gasten.
De inhoud van deze podcast vervangt in geen enkel geval persoonlijk medisch advies of behandeling door artsen en andere medische professionals.


Hoe wildplukken je leven verandert

