Wild foraging in Sweden

🍀 WYLDE is a collection of episodes in English, where I - Lieve Galle, a Belgian herbalist and wild plant forager since 2002 - talk to fellow herborists and foragers in Europe. 

Lisen Sundgren is a herbalist, forager, nature and forest therapy guide, and author from Sweden. As a child she already went foraging and was taught the botanical names of plants by her grandfather. Later on in life, after suffering a burnout and moving back from New York to Sweden, the herbs took her into their world. She started studying the healing effects of nature, edible and medicinal plants and became a professional herbalist. 

We had a wildly interesting conversation.

About why children should learn about wild plants in school, like it used to be in the time of our grandparents.
About how we are part of nature and how we need plants for our survival.
About what it's like to work as a herbalist in Sweden.
About how foraging became more popular again since the introduction of the New Nordic Cuisine, and even more so during the pandemic in 2020.
About being in the here and now while foraging and the link with mindfulness.
About  the Swedish "Right of Public Access", or 'Allemansrätten', which gives everyone the freedom to forage everywhere with respect for nature and animals.
About the use of medicinal plants in Sweden.
About foraging in different seasons and how the long cold and dark winters affect foraging.
And lots more.

You can find more information about Lisen, her work and her books on her website:

Or follow her on Instagram @lifebylisen

Muziek door Eva LaRuna


De informatie in de Wilde Weven podcast is met uiterste zorg samengesteld. We trachten deze zo actueel, volledig en nauwkeurig mogelijk te houden, toch kunnen aan deze podcastaflevering geen rechten ontleend worden. We aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor: directe of indirecte schade ten gevolge van mogelijke fouten en tekortkomingen, de inhoud van websites waar dmv een link naar wordt verwezen, of de opinie van geïnterviewde gasten.
De inhoud van deze podcast vervangt in geen enkel geval persoonlijk medisch advies of behandeling door artsen en andere medische professionals.


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Op bezoek bij de grootmoeder van de herboristen